4-H: "Bee" a Plant Pollinator Pal
Buzz around and learn about plants and their summer pollinators! Offered in cooperation with 4-H
June 6, 2023
10:00am - 11:00am
Kids 5 years old and up, join us for this free two-part program to explore plants, worms, bees and honey. You'll want to be here for both sessions if possible, as each is different:
June 5, 2 p.m. -- "Bee-ing" a Plant Detective: Learn about edible plant parts and make worm farms to take home. This
program involves tasting edible plant parts. Please tell staff if your
child has any allergies or health issues during registration.
June 6, 10 a.m.-- "Bee" a Plant Pollinator Pal: Plant milkweed to take home, make a mason bee hive, and sample different kinds of honey. This program involves tasting honey. Please tell staff if your child has any allergies or health issues during registration.
Space is limited, so please register in advance for both programs together via the 4-H website by Sunday, June 4 (button below).
Presented by Macon County 4-H, University of Illinois Extension.
Both programs involve tasting various foods. Please tell staff if your child has any allergies or health issues during registration.
Questions about the program? Please email or call Ben Steele of 4-H with questions.