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About the Library

Our library is an invaluable gathering place for all residents and is the home to Decatur's educational, economic, and cultural services.

Since its founding in 1875, the Decatur Public Library has been an important part of the Decatur community. The Library provides educational, literary, entertainment, and economic development resources to Decatur and Macon County through an extensive collection of print, audiovisual, and digital media, as well as a wide range of programs and collaborative ventures with other public organizations.

Our dedicated staff and many volunteers are committed to providing all our patrons with courteous and professional service, making the library an invaluable educational, economic, and cultural center for the community.

Explore our website to see all the library has to offer!

The Children's Department offers a range of books suitable for all ages

Mission, Vision, and Goals

The Decatur Public Library is here to strengthen our community educationally, economically, and culturally through its vast resources.


Decatur Public Library's history includes many great people who made the library the communal asset that it is today.

Two teens browsing the Young Adult section

Your Right to Know

As your community library, we want you to have quick access to our public records.

Library Staff, Board, and Associations

Close-Up of the statue that sits in the lobby

Division Contacts

If you have a question for a specific division, you can find contact information here.

A View of the Shelves in the Downstairs Area

Board of Trustees

The Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees helps lead the Library into the future by developing policies and guiding financial and strategic planning.

Close-Up of the statue that sits in the lobby


The Decatur Public Library's amazing Foundation helps raise funds that keeps our library connected to the community and on top of the latest technology.