Willy's Garden Week
Creative outdoor gardening activities for K - 2nd grade
June 16, 2023
3:00pm - 4:30pm
Children's Auditorium
Get ready for a fun-filled week of creative outdoor gardening activities for K – 2nd grade! There will be different activities each day. Sign up and come for any day or the whole week.
- Monday, June 12 -- What’s Growing in my Garden? (Learn about things you can grow in your garden.)
- Tuesday, June 13 -- Seed Houses (We'll be learning about and making seed houses.)
- Wednesday, June 14 -- Wildlife of the Garden (We'll learn about the different animals you can see in a garden.)
- Thursday, June 15 -- Good Bugs and Bad Bugs
- Friday, June 16 -- Grassy Heads (We'll make planters that look like faces.)
We'll meet each day at 3 p.m. in the Children's Auditorium, but some days we'll go outside for activities as well. You can attend any or all days. Please wear "paint-friendly" clothes -- we'll be digging in dirt and things like that! Parents are welcome to stay and join in the fun.
Register through the University of Illinois Extension by June 9
(button below). If you have any questions about the program, contact
Whitney Allison at wallison@illinois.edu or call 217-877-6042.
Sponsored by Illinois Extension, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign