Body Sculpting with Yoga
Body Sculpting with Yoga's innovative new approach to strength building combines unique body-weight and resistance training exercises with traditional yoga practices.
Body Sculpting with Yoga's innovative new approach to strength building combines unique body-weight and resistance training exercises with traditional yoga practices.
With a focus across the life span, this resource shows you how to pursue optimal health and fitness now and throughout the years to come.
From simple exercises to do with baby to full body cardio workouts, Fit Mama offers an effective, holistic approach to postpartum fitness.
Get bigger biceps, broad shoulders, a bigger bench press, powerful legs, cut abs . . . without ever leaving your home!
With these brief (ten to thirty minutes) exercises, anyone can learn to improve their posture, flexibility, and physical comfort, and end the energy drain caused by muscular tension.
Shed unwanted pounds and keep them off ONCE AND FOR ALL withRun Your Butt Off!, a back-to-basics, test panel"approved weight-loss plan and beginners' running program that yields sustainable, healthy results.