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Meeting Room Application

Reserve one of Decatur Public Library's rooms.

Application Form

J. Elizabeth Madden Auditorium seats up to 307 theatre style, 143 with tables and chairs. | Children's Auditorium seats up to 121 theatre style. | A.E. Staley Manufacturing Conference Room seats up to 25 in a rectangle, maximun capacity is 45. Tables cannot be moved. | Library Board Room seats up to 15, maximum capacity is 38. | Computer Lab seats up to 10 plus instructor.
Please specify other room requested, i.e. floor, lobby, media lab.
You can specify, for example, 8 tables with 4 chairs per table; tables around the perimeter of the room etc.
If food or beverages are served, the organization using the room is responsible for cleanup. A $25 cleaning fee will be charged if the room is not left clean. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are prohibited in the Library.

The Library reserves the right to adjust accommodations as needed. In the event of a library building emergency or a weather-related emergency, meetings may be cancelled.

Use of the Library's meeting rooms does not constitute Library endorsement of viewpoints expressed by participants in the programs. Advertisements or announcements implying such endorsement are not permitted.

Organizations using the Library's meeting rooms must comply with all applicable state and federal laws, such as hiring an interpreter or providing auxiliary aids required by the Americans with Disabilities Act when requested by the public.


I have read and understand the Policy Use Statement. I also declare that I/the organization will be responsible to the Decatur Public Library for any damage to Library property incurred during or in connection with this meeting.

Type your name.
The room is not reserved until we contact you and receive payment. If you have any questions please call (217) 421-9712.