Lake Grove Club
- Visit Lake Grove Club Site Today (May 13, 1923)
- Lake Grove Lots Advertisement (May 15, 1923)
- Comparisons Sell Lots (May 20, 1923)
- Lake Grove Club Lots on Sale (May 30, 1923)
- 400 Lots Sold In Additions; Sales Still on (Jun 3, 1923)
- Lake Grove Club Picks Directors (Jun 9, 1923)
- Cottages Dot Shores of Lake (Jul 17, 1923)
- Decatur's New Club on Lake Decatur (Jul 17, 1923)
- Will Sell Few Lakeside Lots (Apr 30, 1924)
- Lake Grove Club Advertisement (Apr 30, 1924)
- Lake Grove Picnic (Sep 2, 1924)
- Lake Grove Club Advertisement (Apr 26, 1925)
- Toombs Head of Lake Grove Club (May 3, 1927)
- Elks Object to Lake Drive Route (May 19, 1928)
- Discuss Drive Plans (Jul 3 1928)
- Lake Grove Club Owners Launch Fight on Route (Sep 21, 1928)
- Lake Grove Club Ends All Opposition to Drive (Sep 23, 1928)
- Summer Cottages on Lake Decatur in Demand (Jun 8, 1929)
- Club Releases Right of Way (Oct 17, 1929)
- Lake Grove Club Bungalow Advertisement (Feb 13, 1944)
- Suburban Area School Shift (Dec 20, 1944)
- Lake Grove Club Asks Addition to District (Oct 20, 1945)
- Boating, Swimming Facilities at Lake Grove Club (May 4, 1947)
- Big Cat (Jun 14, 1949)
- Lake Grove Club Arranges Holiday Program (Jul 3, 1953)
- In the Herald, 25 Years Ago...(Sep 23, 1953)
- Lake Yields Big Fish (Mar 16, 1955)
- Standards for Lake Grove Club Roads Set (Apr 4, 1964)
- Aid to Ducks (Apr 30, 1964)
- #10 Cottage Advertisement (Mar 29, 1981)
- #1 Cottage Advertisement (Jul 18, 1982)
- #31 Cottage Advertisement (May 22, 1988)