Decatur Brewing Co. News Articles
- Henry Shlaudeman and Sons Incorporators of Decatur Brewing Co. (Mar 11, 1888)
- The Filter Question Answered (May 25, 1890)
- New Brewing Apparatus to Increase Production (May 25, 1892)
- Took Charge of the Saloon (Nov 23, 1895)
- F.O. Damrow Bottling Co. Absorbed by Decatur Brewing Co. (Jul 25, 1898)
- Decatur Brewing Co. Will Go Into the Soft Drink Business (Sep 10, 1898)
- A War Between Brewers (Jul 12, 1899)
- The Process of Brewing (Jul 23, 1899)
- Decatur Brewery Invited to Make an Exhibit in Paris (Jan 8, 1900)
- Engine and Compressor Added to Brewing Equipment (Apr 25, 1900)
- Brewery Boys are Game (Mar 22, 1901)
- History of Decatur Brewing Co. (Dec 15, 1901)
- Wash Bottles by Machinery (Jun 1, 1902)
- "Bock" Beer on Tap (Apr 25, 1903)
- The Brewing Co. Made Improvements (Dec 27, 1903)
- Decatur Brewing Co. is Building a Fine Structure (Apr 10, 1904)
- Big Well Done (Jan 26, 1906)
- Brewery Improvement (Sep 2, 1906)
- Celebrators Rob Safe at Brewery (Dec 26, 1906)
- Brewery Calls for Obedience to Saloon Laws (Nov 21, 1907)
- Tauber's "Buzzy Izzy" Closed by Brewery (Feb 11, 1908)
- Ministers Hold Sunday Symposium (Feb 15, 1908)
- Sunday Promises to Cut Loose and Blister Brewery (Feb 15, 1908)
- To Put Temperance Drink on the Market (Apr 28, 1908)
- Only 2 Arrests for Drunkenness (May 11, 1908)
- Merchants Jobbing Co. (Nov 21, 1908)
- Charge Undue Influence (Dec 1, 1908)
- Brewery Case Jurors Retire (Feb 20, 1909)
- Merchant Jobbing Co Notice (Apr 6, 1910)
- Liquor Men Give $4,000 to Macon County Hospital (Nov 9, 1913)
- Ordinance Repealed (Aug 11, 1915)
- Cerro Gordo May Face Liquor Suit (Sep 10, 1915)
- Decatur Brewed Beer Soon Thing of the Past (May 16, 1916)
- Not Satisfied with Land Assessment (Feb 14, 1917)
- Property is Sold and Objections Dismissed (Feb 16, 1917)
- Sell Machinery at Brewing Co. (Sep 19, 1917)
- The Polar Company Takes Over Distilled Water of Brewing Co. (Feb 10, 1918)
- Temperance Beer (May 30, 1918)
- Stop Sale of Malt Extract (Jun 29, 1919)