August 26, 2021
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Staley Conference Room
G’day, mate!
With his tapestry of original photographs and deep well of stories, world traveler Brian Michalski illuminates ten months of backpacking and working in the Land Down Under. While visiting exotic destinations including the Australian Outback, Great Barrier Reef and Tasmania, we also learn about the country’s fascinating history, grand traditions, chic urban life, charming slang, deadly animals and Aboriginal influences. This is one adventure you won’t want to miss.
Awesome Australia models how and why foreign travel is critical in helping us develop a fuller understanding of places, cultures and customs different from our own. Solo backpacking and working here presented many challenges, but also fantastic rewards. By bringing patrons to this isolated continent-country, we learn about its history, geography, cuisine and how the locals live. With a Q&A to conclude, attendees will come away educated, entertained and inspired.
You're welcome to join us in-person in the Staley Room at DPL or via Zoom from anywhere!
Awesome Australia
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