BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240519T084642 DESCRIPTION:Come explore hands-on exhibits from the Children's Museum of Illinois. DTSTART:20230612T093000 DTEND:20230612T120000 SUMMARY:Mobile Museum from the Children's Museum of Illinois (summer 2023) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240519T084642 DESCRIPTION:Come explore hands-on exhibits from the Children's Museum of Illinois. DTSTART:20230626T093000 DTEND:20230626T120000 SUMMARY:Mobile Museum from the Children's Museum of Illinois (summer 2023) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240519T084642 DESCRIPTION:Come explore hands-on exhibits from the Children's Museum of Illinois. DTSTART:20230710T093000 DTEND:20230710T120000 SUMMARY:Mobile Museum from the Children's Museum of Illinois (summer 2023) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240519T084642 DESCRIPTION:Come explore hands-on exhibits from the Children's Museum of Illinois. DTSTART:20230724T093000 DTEND:20230724T120000 SUMMARY:Mobile Museum from the Children's Museum of Illinois (summer