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4-H Food Science Fun!

Explore food science with our friends from 4-H in these 2 programs for 3rd graders and up


June 27, 2022
2:00pm - 3:00pm


Children's Auditorium




Yes, you can play with your food And learn about science in the process!

Kids going into 3rd grade and up, join us to learn about science while playing with food! This is a free two-part program -- you'll want to be here for both sessions, as each is different:

June 27 -- Food Science 101: Use garlic salt to investigate the connection between smell and taste. Pop popcorn on the cob and create your own flavoring with a slogan and advertisement.

June 29 -- Food Science 201
: Activate the gas! Use different leavening agents to blow up balloons. Make unleavened bread and butter.

Space is limited, and advance registration is required by June 23.

Presented by Macon County 4-H, University of Illinois Extension. Registration is through Macon County 4-H at their website, and you register once for both programs.

This program involves tasting various foods. Please tell staff if your child has any allergies or health issues during registration.

Questions about the program? Please email or call Jenna Ward with questions.

Register for both programs