EBSCO Discovery Service
All DPL Databases in one place
What is EBSCO Discovery Service?
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) enables library patrons to search all Decatur Public Library's collections and electronic resources from one search box. EDS provides easy access to our books, journals, articles and more.
Explore all the library has to offer!
Did you know that you can search all the resources the library offers in one click? Simply type your keyword or topic into the library’s search box and the most relevant results will appear for your research. Explore a variety of content from journals to e-books. With easy filtering options, you can narrow your results to the type of content, publication, date (and more) to find exactly the information resources you need.
Once you find the right result for your research, you can locate where the resource is held in the library. Within the details of the result, you can find the citation and links to full text when available, as well as print, email, save, cite and export a single result.
And that is just the beginning. Click the link below to watch a short tutorial on how to use the library’s search tool.
Start Your Search!