Child Care Bag M: Mice
A set of books & resources to engage young listeners
Books for the Youngest Listeners
- Billy’s Boots, by MacKinnon
- Hickory Dickory Dock, by Kemp
- Hiding, by Hughes
- Spot Bakes a Cake, by Hill
- What Makes Me Happy? by Anholt
- Where I Live, by Wormell
Story Books
- Chrysanthemum, by Henkes
- Daisy Dare, by Jeram
- The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear, by Wood
- Mouse Around, by Schories
- Mouse Soup, by Lobel
- Mouse Tales, by Lobel
- The Rat and the Tiger, by Kasza
- The Three Billy Goats Gruff, illus. by Galdone
- Whose Mouse Are You? by Kraus
Concept & Information Books
- Harry at the Garage, by Radford
- Mouse Paint, by Walsh
- Paddington’s Colors, by Bond
Poetry/Song: Appley Dappley’s Nursery Rhymes, by Potter
For the Care Provider: The Plug-In Drug: Television, Children, and the Family, by Winn
DVD: Stories About Growing Up
CD: Most Amazing Truck, Train, & Plane Songs
Toy: Jumbo Loop Puzzle: Community Helpers (10 pieces)